
18 08 2010

Dear cyber friends,

As from today, August 18th 2010, I will be blogging from my own domain – http://www.thegossiplounge.com

For unknown reason, my webhosting company are unable to redirect my old WP account to my new one *geram.

Apa pun, nanti add me to your list ya and let me know, I’ll do the same.

Love yew!


Is it possibly that TED is having a Good Day?

17 08 2010

1. You know what, rezeki Allah nak bagi, kita tak boleh nak cakap apa! I called up one of my banks today untuk tanya pasal kereta and apparently I was notified that ada 3K lebih dalam account aku? What the fish la kan? Not that I’m not happy but I was in shocked! Dari mana datangnya? Langitkah? Orang salah masuk acc kah? Telek punya telek, rasanya ada issue pasal kereta. They mistakenly charge aku lebih katanya. Apa-apa lah bukan aku tahu pun janji aku tahu duit tu HALAL. Lainlah kalau harem kan, mau nye aku pulangkan *pulangkan ke?. Aku dah masukkan dalam Tabung Haji. Sila dok dendiam disitu ya.

2. Ada orang cakap aku plagiat assignment! Hello ortu! Kau gile ke apa? Sah sah aku letak source kat situ, plagiat apa nye? Kalau kau maksudkan plagiat itu sebab aku tak gunakan ayat fresh, errrrr, camne tu ayat fresh? Are you insane? Takkan aku nak rephrase facts plak? Kalau salah makna macam mane? Sudah aku takde masa nak layan kau *block number. Sudahlah kau memang tak berapa betol!

3. Geram la kena invigilate upper form exams ni. Time exam lah kau nak bertanya kat rakan kau itu ini. Bengang gile tahu tak! Orang suruh belajar kau tak nak belajar. Dah trial baru kau nak terkemot-kemot ingat fakta! Aduhh bikin hati gue panas aje tau! Aku paling pantang orang bercakap time exam niey. Ape lagi kau nak meniru. Memang tak dapattttt la kan!

Aku nak citer benda best berlaku di bazar Ramadhan tapi aku takmo citer dalam post ni. Ni post DIRTY!


No one likes a goofball.

17 08 2010

Hello people!!! I’m not such a bad blogger after all, don’t I? see it’s just like only yesterday I’m posting a new post, and now I’m posting again! hehehe.. ouughh! yes! I’m on fire!

Hmm, now let see, what I’ve got to tell? hmmm… mmmm… hahaha just kidding, I’ve got tons and tons of story to tell!

Let’s start.

Semalam aku send sms kat supervisor aku.

Isi kandungan dia lebih kurang macam iniew lah –

Salam, Dr,

Dr, (dgn nada lembut), I’m using these methods to gather my data – data code and data sheet (quantitative) and in-depth interview (qualitative)  since I nak buat content analysis saja on XXXXXXXXXXX  XXXXXXXXXX. Yang paling penting is the interview sebab I nak guna samples from all backgrounds whom are fans of that series.

What do you think, Dr? (nada mengharap)

Send. (klik!)

And a gazillion minutes later baru la direply..

Yes, you can use the methods.

Ok! Harap tak diubah ya sebab to be frank, aku dah malas nak amend lah. Bagi aku benda tu dah ok sangat-sangat. Bukan lah aku nak riak tapi I know what I’m doing.  This is sooo kacangg lah for me. Cuma yang agak susah nanti bila nak gather data. Proposal ni aku tak rasa susah lah. Yang penting kau kena tahu apa kau nak buat dan apa method kau nak gune? The best thing about my supervisor is, dia supercool gile! Dulu aku selalu jmpe dekat faculty, tak pun kat luar aje. Pernah je jumpa kat Wangsa Walk. Kau ado jumpe supervisor thesis kau kat shopping mall? Nan ado. So he is cool. Satu lagi dia tak merepek nak suruh aku buat panjang berjela dan aku pun tak minat nak panjang berjela kan thesis aku yang boleh dipermudahkan itu.

Teringat masa April lepas, aku pergi mock-teaching di UiTM Melaka, ada 3 candidate lain. Aku sorang je jejaka, mind you. Tengok thesis bukan main tebal, tapi when it comes to speaking and lecturing, OUT beb. But I dare myself, for something totally worth it. I took the rish of going and if its not because of these thesis, sah sah aku dah masuk mengajar di UiTM Melaka. So you see, this is why that piece of paper is absolutely crucial for me. It’s not so much about the vast attention being one stop ahead of everyone, but the fact that I’m definitely into wanting more in life – more salary, better life, more academician friends. I wanted to travel the world and have a good career. I am already 28. It’s time.

So yes, agak lega disitu sebab aku sebenarnya dah lama tak jenguk proposal aku tuh. To tell you the truth, aku dah buat habis tunggu findings aje tau! Hehe, gile kan? Orang lain patot tunggu proposal lepas, aku tidak ya, teros buat semua dulu. Bak kata orang dulu-dulu, langkah bendul gitu. Apa pun apa saja aku buat tu sebab aku yakin that I ROCK IT. So for you guys out there, errr… Just do it?

About Ted.

16 08 2010

I’ve been lagging all month.! Aku pun tak tahu lah kenapa aku rasa macam malas nak buat serba-serbi. Every morning has been a drag. I’ve been hoping for Saturday since Tuesday rolled around and while today still isn’t Saturday (will this week ever end?), it’s 10 p.m. and I’m still sober. That’s only one of the perks of telecommute. Kenapa aku malas semacam nowadays? Where is the enthusiastic ism in me? Nan ado dah. Illek!

But one thing for sure, I love working from home for several reasons. First, I get to make my own cup of tea – and boy, do I make a mean one – and I get to go for refills for hours. Second, I make my own breakfast. Okay so I can’t really cook but I do make eggs and toasts pretty well… if you like your eggs scrambled or over well especially. Making your own breakfast, no matter how you do it, breaks the corner café’s frozen pastries and breakfast sandwiches anytime in my book.

Then there’s the (not-so-small) matter of dressing. No corporate dress code, no power suit, no checking the cleavage or hem line… anything and everything goes. So I don’t normally dress exorbitantly anyway, but I do enjoy some edging-on-sexy items that are just not very fitting to my role at the office. Plus, who wants to attract these kinds of looks from creepy coworkers anyway?

Another positive about working from home – and my all-time fave I believe – is that I get to sit back on my couch and read the paper while sipping err. tea? Hehe… There’s no stress about departure time to beat rush hour traffic or to get that early-bird special on parking downtown. No worries about having to shovel the car out of the snow. No concerns over what’s going on outside at all. It’s just me, the couch, the tv and the tea. And some club or old Malay music, depending on the mood.

Finally, there’s the ability to juggle personal and professional matters all at once. I can tweet, Facebook, send emails, write blogs and plan events from the MAC, all while editing brochures and videos, answering RFPs, preparing slide decks, taking conf calls and setting my next tactical moves on the company laptop. I work 3 monitors at once, from 2 different PCs, and it makes me feel alive! So I hardly get to breathe – or break for a nature call – but that’s just something I’m willing to live with at this time.

There is but one downside to it all, and it’s not, as many would think, the lack of social interaction. Trust me, between Skype, conference calls, blog-hopping and cocktail hour (oh yes, we get those too at home), there is plenty of social interaction. No, the true downside to it all is that you can never go back to a regular job. When I go into the office now, I can no longer focus on just the task at hand. I need my excitement, my multitude of beeps coming from my 20+ applications running at once. I need my freedom.

Working in an environment where you need to create, such as education, you have to have the luxury to get up and walk away when the blank page stares back at you. You can’t expect good ideas to come to you from 9 to 5; they may come to you at 10 p.m., they may come to you at noon, they may even wake you up in the middle of the night. Alternatively, you also need to be ready to not have one single good idea for days sometimes. That’s something that those of you who have always done the 9-to-5 in an office have gotten used to dealing with. I no longer can. I can walk into my office at 7 a.m. and not produce a single lesson-plan-worthy piece until 3 p.m. that day. Not that I’m not doing other things in the meantime, but they’re just fill-ups. On the other hand, I can be sitting at home watching a movie and suddenly start typing away on the notes app on the BlackBerry.

Anyone working in a creative environment know that they need to do their due diligence; not many corporate types understand this. Seeing us surf the web, watch videos, attend conferences, read magazines… they don’t get that it’s part of the work. But it is. And when I work from home, I get to do this guilt-free and it makes me feel on top of the industry. I feel I know what’s going on, in real time, thanks to Twitter and the likes. I must be subscribed to hundreds of publications and RSS feeds – they keep alerting me to different news every second. I can’t possibly hear, read or see them all but I am aware that the world around me is continuously moving and that I need to move, move, move with it if I want to remain competitive in this line of work. THAT, my dear friend, is motivation. It’s something companies should learn, instead of locking their employees up in cubicles and forcing them to produce quality crap 8 hours a day.

Do I ever take a break from my work? Hardly. I’ve always got the Blackberry on, beeping, no matter where I am. I love what I do and I never want to let go of it. I am a smartphone addict, no doubt. I am your stereotype, the cliché of the man juggling a BB, an iPod, a Starbucks venti and a few shopping bags. But no matter what you think when you see me, I’m in work mode. There’s always an idea, a one-liner, a blog, something in the back of my head. I am constantly looking at the world through my working eyes. Even sitting with girlfriends over dinner, my mind’s rolling. Filming, recording, commenting. And so I never stop. But I enjoy it, and that’s all that matters.

And thats, about me. Ted.

Ayah oh ayah! Cut the ice!

16 08 2010

Hari ney adik aku sms cakap ayah aku was admitted sekejap. Sesak nafas lah ape lagi. So being me, aku membebel ler ape lagi. What with nak raya, takkan nak raya dalam hospital pulek?
Aku ni bukan suka sangat nak mengingatkan orang ni especially my dad. Silap langkah aku yang disemburnya pulek! Tapi tadi he was ok and boleh la terima bebelan ku. I’m worried of his health. He’s been in and out of hospital twice this year and it really worries me out. Ibu pun tak berapa sihat. Oh yayai! I really miss them and I miss my kampung lah! Tak sabar nak baliks kampungs.
Mak Teh pun dah takde, dah meninggal few days back and it was a call for me to really appreciate the people around me. Suka ke tidak ke, itulah orang yang berada disekeliling aku. Aku ni sebenarnya bukan people friendly sangat. Kalau aku tak berkenan tu memang aku tak berkenanlah tak payah cakap banyak.
Emmmmm okey.
To everyone selamat berbuka dan bertarawikh! Malam ni aku nak merepeks perihal study plak!